All of us have some goals, some ambitions, some oh sorry... many dreams and yes most of us try to fulfil them, but sometimes due to some shortcomings or rather say our own shortcomings we tend to fail. Now does failure make one a moron? Does it tell us that one is just impotent to fight back, to get back and to achieve their goals? No, failures aren't meant for that, they are actually beneficial for us 'cause they make us understand that what is keeping us away from our dreams. They indeed are the stepping stones to success. As per my view, I feel that one should not feel embarrassed about their failures but rather show off their failures as innovative ways one has tried to achieve one's dreams.
It's sad to say but even today's world progresses at the speed of 4G there are some extraordinarily talented people just wasting their time by brooding over their failures instead of going out there and being examples for others. Well, if all of us were to take our failures in such a negative way the world would have never been gifted with Microsoft, the brainchild of Mr. Bill Gates and Apple, the brainchild of Late Mr. Steve Jobs. Both being college drop-outs and familiar to many failures would have succumbed to their failures they would have been nothing more than mere common people. None of us could imagine rap without Eminem ; who had severe stammering problems and battled through drug addiction and unsuccessful suicidal attempts. We would never have had the world of Disney if Mr. Walt Disney would have not strived to create it.
Consider failures as challenges. Face your failures and work upon them. Consideration of failures as challenges removes obstacles from your path to success. It develops the 'Never Give Up' attitude in you. Failures can be powerful but your agenda should be that you should nurture enough power to overpower your them. Failures can evade success out of your life if you succumb to them, hence make your life so powerful that your success can evade failures from your life.