Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Love or Infatuation?

             Many a time we all face this problem. We often question ourselves that is it love or just mere infatuation? Even though the question sounds pretty stupid, petty and kiddish but its answer can save many relationships but at the same time the answer can break many relationships too.
             All of us somewhere or the other always wait for a soul mate (P.S: This is for all you 'I don't believe in love' guys even you people are included). But just then you realize that all this soul mate stuff is too good, too bookish to be true. How on earth could you find someone so much like you, so caring, so understanding, so good looking, so heavenly, so madly in love, so perfect and so much made for you? So what, do we totally rule out love?
             No, not really, 'cause love is that beautiful feeling that is forever, the bond that never makes you grow out of your loved one. If there is love, nothing else matters, neither the number of awesome new people you meet nor any unfortunate or fatal accident that may disfigure the face of your loved one, come what may you'll never let go. 'Cause when you're in love you fall in love with the person as a whole, not just the outer beauty of that person.
             But just as love is a beautiful feeling infatuation too is an awesome one. You just fall for the person due to his/her looks, talks, etc. They seem to captivate you and take you to another world in itself. You are totally lost in that person. You end up thinking about him/her day and night. Things which were of top priority for you earlier seem to be totally unimportant when compared to getting a glimpse of that person.
             But its love that paves the way, 'cause love does make a difference, it can transform an animal into a human being, it can unite two families, it gives birth not only to a child but also to a bond, a commitment. After all its love that is the language of the world.
             You never know how long would you live so love as if you're living your last day.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Failure isn't the end but the start

                           All of us have some goals, some ambitions, some oh sorry... many dreams and yes most of us try to fulfil them, but sometimes due to some shortcomings or rather say our own shortcomings we tend to fail. Now does failure make one a moron? Does it tell us that one is just impotent to fight back, to get back and to achieve their goals? No, failures aren't meant for that, they are actually beneficial for us 'cause they make us understand that what is keeping us away from our dreams. They indeed are the stepping stones to success. As per my view, I feel that one should not feel embarrassed about their failures but rather show off their failures as innovative ways one has tried to achieve one's dreams.
                           It's sad to say but even today's world progresses at the speed of 4G there are some extraordinarily talented people just wasting their time by brooding over their failures instead of going out there and being examples for others. Well, if all of us were to take our failures in such a negative way the world would have never been gifted with Microsoft, the brainchild of Mr. Bill Gates and Apple, the brainchild of Late Mr. Steve Jobs. Both being college drop-outs and familiar to many failures would have succumbed to their failures they would have been nothing more than mere common people. None of us could imagine rap without Eminem ; who had severe stammering problems and battled through drug addiction and unsuccessful suicidal attempts. We would never have had the world of Disney if Mr. Walt Disney would have not strived to create it.
                            Consider failures as challenges. Face your failures and work upon them. Consideration of failures as challenges removes obstacles from your path to success. It develops the 'Never Give Up' attitude in you. Failures can be powerful but your agenda should be that you should nurture enough power to overpower your them. Failures can evade success out of your life if you succumb to them, hence make your life so powerful that your success can evade failures from your life.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Shove the ego... 'cause forgiveness is divine !!!!!

                     God first created the Universe and the man to be its stewards. He did not create any human who exemplifies perfection, so all humans just are bound to make mistakes. Making mistakes does not make anyone inferior, but not forgiving ones mistakes does.
                      As Portia's speech in the phenomenal play of  'Merchant of Venice' states that Mercy and Forgiveness are the qualities that are shown by God himself. Any human can commit mistakes but the one who forgives them is a messenger from God indeed. Maintaining an ego, keeping grudges and not forgiving people creates the feeling of hatred among people and this hatred gives rise to terrible enemity and creates worse situations. Egos give rise to sorrow and depression, whereas forgiveness makes way for friendship and love.
                     Mortality is a bitter truth for humans, our life on earth is really short, maybe the next moment itself our hearts may stop beating. But have we ever thought that how can we make our lives perfect? Nah, I don't think having an ego and hurting everyone would make our lives perfect. A perfect life does not need a long life span all it needs is love, affection and forgiveness. After all, a life full of hatred always ends up having a funeral with no people. The soul will always be in purgatory. Whereas, a loving person will be considered divine by God himself.
                      So guys, shove the ego, endorse for forgiveness and spread the love :) .......

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


        Humanity is one of the most precious human values, which is rarely seen nowadays, the value of humanity is kind of old fashioned for us. What’s in is wearing ‘Being Human’ tees and just not following the caption. 
               Previously, when accidents used to take place people used to help the victim, but nowadays instead of using their cell phones to call the ambulance they use their mobile phones to capture a photo/video of the accident, they wonder which angle of shooting would make the video fit to be uploaded on YouTube. In today’s times it is common that fierce fights on the roads aren’t stopped by anyone and the fights lead to murders, because of the lack of humanity shown no girl feels safe even in the busiest place of the world. Child laborers are illegally hired and are treated cruelly.
               This precious jewel of humanity is rarely embedded in the minds and hearts of people. After seeing such incidents, a question arises in my mind ‘Are they just animals left on the earth?’
                As it is said charity begins at home, the same goes to humanity. If we expect people to behave humanely to us, we too have to do the same. The Great Mahatma once said ‘An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind’. Showing humanity causes no loss to us indeed it makes the world a better place to live in….
                 Would like to end by saying ‘There are people dying if you care enough for the living, leave a little space, to make a better place…’ (From ‘Heal The World’ by Michael Jackson)

Thursday, 30 August 2012

What makes you the way you are.....

Every individual on this earth has a different identity. Even identical twins are different in some or the other way. We should be happy that God has taken special time for creating each one of us, molding us into who we would be on earth. We all have different identities because of our different personas.  Each one of us have different plus points as well as different negative points, we have talents as well as inefficiencies, strengths as well as weaknesses.
                     Our personality gives us an identity in the society.  There are various types of personalities according to which people judge us. For example, a friendly, fun loving person is always considered an extrovert.  Whereas a shy person would spend time at home instead of spending an hour outside is considered to be an introvert. In this way our personalities give us a separate and different identity.  None of us can be perfect all of us have different plus points as well as different minus points. For example an extremely charming person may have a heart of stone while on the other hand an ugly person may have a heart of gold, a person who excels in academics may not be talented in extracurricular activities whereas one who excels in extracurricular activities may be dumb in academics.  Not all of us are talented nor are all of us inefficient.  We have our strengths as well as our weaknesses. For some their family may be their strength whereas for some their children may strengthen them in their difficult times. On the other hand for some people their family itself is their weakness whereas for some their weakness may be alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc. but at the end it doesn’t matter what are our plus points, negative points, talents, inefficiencies, strengths or weaknesses what matters is that how do we live with them.
                            Every individual should be happy that God has made him/her way different from the others, and he/she should also be happy that there is no other individual like him/her.  I conclude by quoting Shania Twain,  I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that's making me successful.”                     

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


riendship is such a relationship between people which does not have any barrier. As friends we don’t hesitate to say anything to each other as we know we’ll never be mistaken by our friends. Friendship has no bounds of race, caste, creed, gender, distances, status, wealth, looks, age, etc. All friendship needs is to understand and love your friends as they are. Friendship is a bond between people which grows as days pass by making it more meaningful
              Friendship can never be a give and take relationship.  Nothing can measure the depths of friendship. A friend is a person who is always there to listen to you and at times understands everything even before uttering a word. A friend is a guide who corrects me when I am wrong and shows me the right way. A friend is a person who will understand you and your situation even when no one is ready to listen to you. Friends are always with you in sorrows,  in joys,  while trying something thrilling,  while trying something new,  they are the ones who are with you in the times of celebration as well as stand by your side during trials and tribulation.
            It is very important to understand the other person’s feelings of the other person to be a good friend. And always remember friends never keep any grudges nor do they seek for any sort of revenge. They’ll always be by your side through all the whirlwinds and storms, springs and summers of your life.