Thursday, 30 August 2012

What makes you the way you are.....

Every individual on this earth has a different identity. Even identical twins are different in some or the other way. We should be happy that God has taken special time for creating each one of us, molding us into who we would be on earth. We all have different identities because of our different personas.  Each one of us have different plus points as well as different negative points, we have talents as well as inefficiencies, strengths as well as weaknesses.
                     Our personality gives us an identity in the society.  There are various types of personalities according to which people judge us. For example, a friendly, fun loving person is always considered an extrovert.  Whereas a shy person would spend time at home instead of spending an hour outside is considered to be an introvert. In this way our personalities give us a separate and different identity.  None of us can be perfect all of us have different plus points as well as different minus points. For example an extremely charming person may have a heart of stone while on the other hand an ugly person may have a heart of gold, a person who excels in academics may not be talented in extracurricular activities whereas one who excels in extracurricular activities may be dumb in academics.  Not all of us are talented nor are all of us inefficient.  We have our strengths as well as our weaknesses. For some their family may be their strength whereas for some their children may strengthen them in their difficult times. On the other hand for some people their family itself is their weakness whereas for some their weakness may be alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc. but at the end it doesn’t matter what are our plus points, negative points, talents, inefficiencies, strengths or weaknesses what matters is that how do we live with them.
                            Every individual should be happy that God has made him/her way different from the others, and he/she should also be happy that there is no other individual like him/her.  I conclude by quoting Shania Twain,  I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that's making me successful.”                     

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